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Common Contraindications

There are some common contraindications that we want you to know about when you are booking an appointment, so you are informed about how to have the best hair removal service with us.

  • 48 hours before & after your service Do Not:

    • Use a Tanning Bed with UV Lights

    • Spray Tan (unless you want little orange spots)

    • Exfoliate with scrubs or chemical serums

  • 24 hours after your service, Do Not:
    - high rash and pustules risk -

    • Participate in activities that cause friction or sweating

    • Use lotions, serums, or other skincare treatments

    • Swim or use communal bathing areas

Medical & Cosmetic Contraindications

If you are taking certain medications or any treatments that thin your skin or cause photo-sensitivity, we ask that you consult with your physician before your appointment. Risks are present while getting sugared on certain medications, such as lifted skin or unwanted pigmentation. 

Lifted Skin is when the upper layer of your skin becomes fully removed. If you are using medications or treatments that can cause thinning of the skin, please do not come in for a sugaring service and wait an adequate amount of time.

Unwanted pigmentation could be in the form of a change of color, new spots, or new pigmentations appearing on the skin. If need be, we may need to ask that you bring a doctor's note stating it is safe for you to get a service.

Q: How long do I need to wait to sugar if I’ve been on Accutane? 
A: Wait at least 9 months after being off the medication before coming in for a sugaring service. Accutane chemically alters the skin, and if you were to sugar, your skin would likely lift.

Q: How long do I need to wait to sugar if I’ve been on Antibiotics?
A: Your pharmacist will tell you.

Q: How long do I need to wait to sugar if I’ve been using Retinol/Retinoid/Retin-A?
A: We recommend 48 days after your last dose before being sugared again.

Q: How long do I need to wait to sugar after receiving Laser Hair Removal?
A: You need to wait at least 2 weeks after getting laser hair removal. Depending on the strength of the laser treatment, you may need to wait even longer. If you’ve waited an adequate amount of time, come in for a consultation to speak to your sugaring technician, and allow them to see how the skin looks. We are not doctors, but we can look at your skin to ascertain if it’s a good idea or not for you to come in.

Q: What is Sugar Plum doing to protect me from Monkeypox?
A: As a skincare facility, our estheticians keep best practices to avoid all contamination from potentially infectious sores and blisters. We use hospital-grade sanitizers and disinfectants, provide PPE to our Sugaring Technicians, and will end service if a guest states or appears to have a lesion since it is not advised to sugar over. Anyone turned away for this concern must have a release from a clinician to be sugared again. Since these have always been our practices, there is nothing special being done for Monkeypox at this time. Moreover, all our staff wear gloves during services and sanitizes their work rooms between clients there is little to no crossover contamination.

Inform your Sugaring Technician if you have:

  • Used any cosmetics or skincare products that contain Glycolic Acids or Lactic Acids within the last 48 hours

  • Any allergies or sensitivities that could affect your service

  • Experienced difficulty with a previous hair removal

  • A new piercing in the area that you want sugared

  • Used a chemical peel within the last 6-9 weeks

  • Received any Laser Resurfacing in the last year

  • A sunburn in the area you want sugared

  • If you recently received a tattoo (we recommend waiting 2-6 weeks after getting it done, and the scab has fallen and new skin and replaced the dead skin)