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3 & Free Program

3 & FREE Program

For 3 new Guests you REfer, you receive a Free service* in your account to use at your next time in.

The great thing is if you refer more, you get more free services.

(1 for the first 3 referrals, 1 for the next 3 referrals, etc.)

Refer 3, get one free service*

refer 6, get two free services*

Refer 9, get 3 free services*

What do they get?

Your Referral GETS 40% OFF


* Free Service is for all regular services EXCEPT Full Leg or combination services.

Referred guests will get the New Guest Discount available. The referral must be from an active guest who has gotten a service at a Sugar Plum location. Sharing unique referral codes with friends and family is encouraged. There is no limit to the number of referral rewards loyal guests can earn. ONLY NEW GUESTS are eligible to be referrals to loyal Sugar Plum customers as of 1/1/2023. Guests booking in Training Center are not eligible to take part in the Refer A Friend program. This program may not be combined with other offers, including promotions and discounts.