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SMS Text Policy

SMS Text Policy

Sugar Plum will need to contact clients occasionally regarding unexpected changes to booked services or appointments, such as Sugaring Technician availability. As a modern business, Sugar Plum does this primarily by an SMS Text messaging system.

Client’s who opt-out of SMS Text Messages will not receive notification of appointments moved to a new Sugaring Technician unless the time or date needs to be changed -- in which case our Customer Care will call on the phone number on file.

In the event a client’s appointment may be moved due to Sugaring Technician availability, Sugar Plum makes a good faith effort to contact clients via SMS text message about such changes.

Clients who Opted Out from SMS Texts may not be alerted to a Sugaring Technician change until they arrive at the studio. Please keep this in mind. It is always the client’s choice to stay in touch with Sugar Plum. We encourage all clients to Opt-In to receive SMS notifications.

You can always contact the Customer Care (206-512-3033) to update your preferred SMS settings. We understand your privacy is valuable. We do not sell, share, or rent your information.