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Policy Page


  • We require at least a 6-hour notice to cancel, reschedule, or change your appointment.

  • You will be charged 35% of the current regular price for late cancellations.

  • Please call our Customer Care at (206) 512-3033 if you need to cancel or reschedule.


  • A “No Show” is not showing up to a set appointment.

  • You will be charged 35% of the current regular price for No-Show Appointments.

  • We may require guests to deposit 35% of the regular price for their service upon multiple no-show appointments.

  • Services that are 50 minutes or more in duration are put on No-Show Status after 50% of the service time has elapsed.


  • Appointments must be booked under the account of who is receiving the service.

  • A payment card MUST be stored on file for online bookings to be confirmed. The stored card will not be charged.

  • A valid ID is required for all new guests.

  • All clients must fill out the Waiver form before receiving services.

Running Late

  • If you arrive late, a Sugaring Technician will do their best to accommodate you. However, your full service can not be guaranteed and may have to be modified. Please call our Customer Care at (206) 512-3033 if you are running behind.


  • We’re happy to service younger clients at Sugar Plum! To those less than 18 years of age or booking for someone under 18 years of age, we ask that you read our Under 18 Policy Page.


  • If any guest abuses our Policies, we reserve the right to refuse service and close their account. All financial information will be deleted, and the guest will be informed by email.


All above policies apply, except where noted. This includes the size of fee, $10 for No-Show appointments.