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Purchase a package of services

Please choose the studio you plan to visit with the package


Roosevelt Way Studio
(3 Blocks from The U District Light Rail Station)

4347 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Limited Wheelchair Accessible.
Please call (206) 512-3033 to allocate extra time.

Bellevue studio
(behind the Mercurys Coffee Roastery and Bakery)

13112 NE 20th St, Suite 100
Bellevue, Washington, 98005

Wheelchair Accessible.

NOTE: Kirkland Studio is moving to our Bellevue Studio on 12/31/2024

Lynnwood studio
(Right off I-5 and I-405 next to CosmoProf)

19725 40th Ave W #F
Lynnwood, Washington, 98005

Wheelchair Accessible.

Downtown Seattle Studio
(1 Block from the Westlake Light Rail Station)

Wheelchair Accessible.
509 Olive Way Suite #1301 (13th Floor)
Seattle, WA 98101

Please call (206) 512-3033 for questions.

Ballard studio
(across from swedish hospital in ballard)

5410 Barnes Ave NW Suite B
Seattle, WA 98107

Not Wheelchair Accessible.