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Social Mission


Sugar Plum cares for and embraces all walks of life. We welcome our employees and clients no matter who they are or where they came from. By empowering our clients & staff to practice self-care, we help build the true confidence that comes from within.

We are transforming the health and beauty industry through our triple bottom line of ethical business practices that benefit people, the planet, and profit.


We empower our employees with living-wage careers and benefits. We offer a supportive work environment including ample education and training with a nurturing community. And we give back regularly, via Sugar Plum Charity Days. (click to learn more)


Our services and products are kind to the planet and to the skin. Every service uses our USDA Certified Organic and fair trade sugaring paste, created by our company and the first of its kind. Our process involves a 90% reduction in waste, and our long-term vision is to create a zero-waste business.


Sugaring is an ever-growing service within the health and beauty industry. Our one-of-a-kind, co-conscious business model minimizes our local and global impact while ensuring we remain an evolving company that continues to meet and exceed its profit goals.