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Egyptian Service Policy



  • Our policy is to keep services safe and functional for both the client and the Sugaring Technician, so it is important to state that we only perform hair removal on a penis and/or scrotum when the penis is flaccid. This is a policy for several reasons, including the safety of our client and our Sugaring Technician.

  • The increased blood flow, heat, and sensitivity associated with an erection can be detrimental to the integrity of the client’s skin. It is a top priority to have our clients leave their services with beautiful, smooth, healthy skin. Just as we do not perform hair removal on clients who are taking blood thinners, we do not perform hair removal on areas with increased blood flow.

  • We know that most clients fear getting an erection during an Egyptian. We can assure you that while erections are natural and occur, they usually don't last after the service has started. If you get an erection, please be assured that our staff are professionals and will not judge or belittle you.

  • If a client experiences an erection during their service, the Sugaring Technician can continue hair removal on a couple of leg patches or the top of the pubic bone, and their penis should naturally return to a flaccid state. In cases where the erection persists, the hair removal service will end, and the client can rebook for another time when they think they will be better prepared for their service.

See the Etiquette Policy page.