After Care


Lotions: That's right. No lotions, no oils, no soothing serums. 

Potions: This includes the Sugar Plum Serum. Wait at least 24 hours before application of our serum or anything similar like chemical exfoliants or any skincare treatments you may use. For best results, keep 48 hours between your sugaring appointment and spray tanning. Attempting a spray tan within the 48 hour window can result in orange dots in the deep newly hair free pores.

Repetitive Motions: Wait 24 hours after sugaring before friction and sweat causing activities like exercise. We know your exercise routine is important and as a skincare professional in your life, we recommend you exercise before your sugaring service and then shower before coming in. Then schedule your next friction-filled activity for 24 hours later.

Let your skin relax after your service.

The purpose of sugaring is to give you smooth skin that's free of hair and soft to the touch. With our motto in mind, you can give your skin a chance to recover from the hair removal process, so you feel comfy everywhere.


Consider making it a spa day. Give yourself the next 24 hours off of your typical work out routine. Wear a baggy, breathable outfit, or spend some time relaxing at home au naturel. Maybe treat yourself to a hair appointment as well. Or make your toes look fancy with a professional or at home pedicure. This could also be a great time to get crafty!


For the busy professional, we recommend you wear loose fitting clothing and follow these simple guidelines below.

Keep your skin clean, cool, friction-free, product-free, bacterial and irritation-free for at least 24 hours after your service. If you must exercise within the first 24 hours, take a cool shower to close your pores beforehand. When you bathe, keep the water at cooler temperatures and run it cold at the end. If you experience inflammation, apply cold. 

NewSkin Serum

For extra exfoliation after your service, pick up one of our serums!

Directions for Use:

Use 24 hours after Sugaring.

Apply directly to clean, dry skin.

For deeper exfoliation, use manual exfoliation in the shower, then apply the serum after drying off.

Bonus: It is also great as an aftershave!

I have a Skin Reaction
What do I do?

Don’t panic! Skin reactions are not expected but are common enough that when it happens keep a calm head.

Call Customer Care at (206) 512-3033 immediately if you are experiencing any of the following,

you also can email us pictures or questions at


A histamine reaction looks like a bunch of bug bites all packed together. It will get pink and swollen. It may even itch. Guests who have sensitive skin, dry skin, or even red hair are more apt to have this reaction. This reaction can happen immediately on the table, at the end of the service, after a warm towel is applied to remove sugar, or even after guests have left the studio. 

Remedy: Try an Oatmeal Paste. You can make this at home by combining oatmeal with warm water and applying it to the irritated area like a mask. It can be helpful to put the oatmeal in a blender or use a mortar and pestle to make it finer.  Once the oatmeal paste is applied to the skin, let it cool and dry, then gently rinse off and pat dry.  The skin will usually calm down within a few hours but can take up to three days. If it hasn’t gotten any better in three days, please give us a call at (206) 512-3033 and update us.


Whether by excess sweat in the area or friction from clothing and other skin, red bumps may appear on the skin after hairs are removed. 

Remedy: Try an Oatmeal Paste. You can make this at home by combining oatmeal with warm water and applying it to the irritated area like a mask. It can be helpful to put the oatmeal in a blender or use a mortar and pestle to make it finer.  Once the oatmeal paste is applied to the skin, let it cool and dry, then gently rinse off and pat dry. The skin will usually calm down within a few hours but can take up to three days. If it hasn’t gotten any better in three days, please give us a call at (206) 512-3033 and update us.


The follicle is swollen after the sugaring. Oil and sweat use the same follicle to coat the skin. If the follicle has swollen enough to block the opening, oil, and sweat may become trapped and form a pustule.  This should balance itself out. Try not to pick these pustules, that could lead to scaring

Remedy: Try Baking Soda Paste, mixing baking soda and warm water. Apply to the irritated area, let cool and dry, then rinse off and pat dry. If it hasn’t gotten any better in three days, please give us a call at (206) 512-3033 and update us.


Please call Customer Care at (206) 512-3033 and let us know when did the ingrown hairs show up?

If you can’t remember that's okay, just give us a general time frame. Read below for a general overview.


Within 1-5 days after being sugared: more than likely hair has been broken at the skin line. This can be caused by tight clothes rubbing the area, habitual movements, or even the Sugaring Technician missing a subtle clue of the hair growth pattern.

A couple of weeks after being sugared: This usually happens after you’ve been seeing us for a while since the new hair growth gets weaker and weaker every time we remove the bulb. If this is happening to you, ask your sugaring technician about our exfoliation products that will best serve your skin’s needs.

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