The services are specific to hair type and the time necessary to finish it will be shown on the booking platform.
As a general rule during your first service choose the option for more time. The therapists will modify the appointment if you needed the shorter of the services. It’s always good to not be rushed.
Dense, thick and or long hair should be chosen for those who can not easily see their skin through their hair. People who were assigned male at birth are more likely to need this service. We also find that certain ethnicities commonly have denser hair. Luckily after a few appointments most peoples hair changes and they will no longer need to book dense, thick and or long hair.
Thin, sparse and or patchy hair should be chosen for those who can easily see their skin through their hair. People who have previously waxed or sugared usually fall into this category along with certain ethnicities who naturally have sparse hair.
There is a basic structure of times required to complete the service and if it's your first time in, you generally need all that time. So endeavor to arrive a little early.
Keep in mind, if an appointment is scheduled without enough time for your service for whatever reason, we will do our best to get your service done or reschedule you with time that is better suited to your hair type.
If you want to know more about the time services take based on your hair type, you are welcome to call us at 206.512.3033